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Useful contacts

There are many other organisations that provide a variety of practical information and / or emotional support after a bereavement – far too many for us to list here. Please call us so we can find the contact details that are most appropriate to your individual circumstances

You may find the following numbers and websites helpful – telephone numbers are given with details if a service is offered out of usual office hours.

The Samaritans 08457 909090 Available 24 hours every day. A confidential emotional support service for anyone experiencing feelings of distress or despair for any reason, including those which could lead to suicide.
Simplify Probate and estate management.
Cruse The largest bereavement support charity in the UK.
Child Death Helpline 0800 282 986 (0808 800 6019 free for main network mobiles) Open every evening of the year 7pm top 10pm. A helpline for anyone of any age affected by the death of a child (from pregnancy to adulthood) in any circumstances. All calls are answered by parents who have experienced bereavement.
Government Services and Information Government services and information all in one place – this website has lots of information and links to lots of other sites that you will find useful, including local authorities.
NHS Choices Information about local health services and lots of medical / health advice and information about a huge variety of conditions and much more.
Citizens Advice This website has an excellent range of information on a very wide range of issues.
Money Advice Service Free impartial financial advice.

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