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Home » What to do when someone passes away

What to do when someone passes away


Important notice regarding the registration of deaths in the UK

Relatives should be advised to visit this website which explains the new process of death registration and a pre-registration form which should be completed by the relative who will be registering the death.

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What to do when someone passes away

When a death occurs, whether expected or not, there is an inevitable feeling of sadness and loss experienced by the close family, often resulting in shock and emotional stress.  Certain practical steps, however, need to be taken at an early stage – including registering of the death.

What to do when death occurs at home

Whether or not a death is expected a qualified doctor (GP or Duty doctor) should, on every occasion, be contacted to attend and confirm the death.  Once a doctor has arrived and indicated that in due course the “Cause of death” medical certificate will be able to be issued, then we can remove the deceased to our chapel of rest.

What to do when death occurs at a nursing home or residential home

Even though professional nursing staff are in attendance at the home, a qualified doctor should again be required to confirm the death before the deceased may be moved into our care.

What to do when death occurs at the hospital

The hospital staff will guide you through what needs to be done.  Hospitals have their own registration and certificates to talk through with you before you register with your local authority.

HM Coroners involvement

When a death is unexpected and the cause of death is unclear, or when the death is of a suspicious nature, an accident or industrial disease, the doctor certifying the death is legally bound to report these circumstances to the Coroner.  The Coroner’s involvement in most cases is a formality with an examination taking place to ascertain the cause of death.

Who can register a death?

  • Any relative of the deceased
  • A person present at death
  • The owner or person in charge of the home or nursing home where the death occurred
  • The person arranging the funeral (not the Funeral Director)

The procedure for registering a death is a simple interview with the Registrar who will require the following information:-

  • Date and place of birth and death
  • Full name of the deceased (including maiden name, if appropriate)
  • Home address of the deceased
  • The marital status of the deceased
  • The occupation of the deceased
  • If a married woman, the husbands full name and occupation

Here to guide you every step of the way

If you need any advice on planning a funeral, or don't know where to start, we are here to help. Contact us today and we will guide you every step of the way